Summer’s winding down and I’m so sad about it..
But fall is just around the corner which means apple pie, crispy cool weather and… the chance to plant greens again!
I usually plant 2 ‘gardens’ a year – one in January for the first half of the year and a second round in the fall.
My eggplants and peppers can keep producing, but most of my other veggies are spent at this point.
And honestly, I just like to experiment and try growing new things.
Since I get a lot of questions about where I get my seeds, I thought I’d share a recent garden order from True Leaf Market.
True Leaf Market Review
True Leaf is one of the online seed companies I recommend (you can find my full list of recommendations in this post).
They’re an independent, non-GMO seed company based in Utah, and I like them because they have an extensive variety of seeds, supplies and general gardening kits.
If you have outdoor space, they’re one of the few seed companies to offer bulbs and live plants (think: onion sets, seed potatoes, garlic bulbs, etc).
They’re also well known for their microgreens, sprouts and wheatgrass.
I purchased mushroom grow kits from them earlier this year that I loved experimenting with!
I grew pink oyster mushrooms and turned the first batch into mushroom risotto!
Kitazawa Asian Seeds
And when it comes to seeds, I find they have an extensive variety.
I specifically go to True Leaf for Asian vegetable seeds.

About a year ago, they acquired Kitazawa Seeds (one of the oldest Asian seed companies in the US).
True Leaf now stocks a huge inventory of Asian herbs and vegetable seeds.
I’ve bought Asian seeds from other companies in the past, but found that the varieties didn’t seem quite authentic enough.
Or at least, not like the vegetable varieties I see at the Asian grocery stores.
So if you’re looking for Asian greens, True Leaf / Kitazawa is your best bet!
True Leaf Market Seeds
Here’s what I ordered for my fall indoor garden:
Garden Supplies
microgreens sampler – I’ve heard microgreens are pretty easy to grow, so I’m excited to try this
seed starting tray – since I’m starting so many seeds at once, I finally invested in a tray!
humidity dome – dome for the tray
perlite – to add aeration to my seed starting mix
I just started some cucumber plants and they’re surprisingly easy! So I decided to try 2 more new-to-me varieties:
Root vegetables are typically not conducive to hydroponics, but beets and small radishes should be ok!
I got these 2 varieties to try:
I finally feel like I’m getting the hang of growing tomatoes so this season, I went ham on the tomato seeds.
I definitely don’t have enough space to plant all of these varieties at the same time though..
containers choice orange cherry tomatoes
Paste Tomatoes
principe borghese paste tomatoes
Slicing Tomatoes
I love growing hot peppers.
They tend to be finicky to grow indoors, but I couldn’t resist stocking up on some colorful unique looking hot peppers:
I also got some colorful sweet pepper varieties to try:
Bok Choy
I’ve experimented with 4 types of bok choy and am always on the lookout for tiny, sweet dwarf sized bok choy.
Eggplants are one of my favorite vegetables to grow indoors.
But so far, I’ve only grown Asian eggplants, so I picked up some Italian varieties to try:
I’ve never put much interest into growing lettuce, but this season I really want to.
So I poured over the website and carefully selected varieties I think will grow well inside my apartment:
And that’s it!
A very comprehensive seed haul that should last me a while…
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